FEATURES:-Protects leather, waxed cotton & tent seams from rain, sun, snow & salt-Not only will Sno-Seal keep you warm & dry, it will also help you from getting tired.-A typical leather boot can soak up to a pound of water, which means you lift an additional 2,212 lbs to walk one mile.-7 oz..
FEATURES:-12 fl. oz.-Allows leather & fabric to breathe-Scent free when dried & cured-Safe for use on Gore-Tex® & all waterproof breathable fabrics-Contains U-V-BLOCK® to protect colors & fabric from sun damage-Contains a fungicide to protect the invisible coating from odors & discoloration caused b..
FEATURES:-Refill only for the ZERO Pro Pump Kit, Pro Pump Kit or Pet Clean-Up Kit-Includes 4 bottles of "A" & 4 bottles of "B" mix-Makes over a gallon -Completely destroys all traces of human & organic odors..
FEATURES:-Completely destroys all traces of human & organic odors-Deodorizes clothing, hair, skin, & all wetable surfaces quickly & safely-Works equally well on pet accidents, bathrooms, nurseries & vehicles..
FEATURES:-Safe for all washable fabrics & yet powerfull enough to remove odors & your toughest stains such as soil, blood & grass-Safe on waterproof materials18 fl. oz...